Carnoustie Twinning Association Constitution
Name of the Association
The name of the Association shall be the "Carnoustie Twinning Association".Aims of the Association
To promote and foster friendship and understanding between the people of Camoustie and towns in other countries.
To encourage visits by individuals and groups to and from linked towns, particularly by children and young people, and the development of personal contacts, and by so doing to broaden the mutual understanding of the cultural, recreational, educational, and commercial activities of the linked towns.
Membership shall be open to all persons or organisations in sympathy with the aims of the Association.
There shall be three categories of membership:
The affairs of The Association shall be conducted by the Committee of which up to 14 members are to be elected at the Annual General Meeting, these 14 being broadly representative of organisations, associations, clubs, and individuals in Camoustie and district.
Office bearers shall retire annually at the Annual General Meeting and be eligible for re-election.
The Annual General Meeting shall appoint a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers as seem necessary.
No office bearer shall be removed from office except by resolution of a Special General Meeting.
Should an office bearer resign during the CT A year, the Committee shall have the power to appoint a replacement from the elected committee.
If an office bearer is removed from office by a Special General Meeting, then only a Special General Meeting shall have the power to appoint a replacement.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt provided that the total number of committee members does not exceed 16. Coopted members shall have the power to vote.
The term of office of members co-opted to the Committee shall be the remainder of the year.
Vacancies in the Committee which arise during a year shall be filled at the following AGM. Committee members so elected shall be entitled to serve for the remainder of the time that would have been served by the original member.
The quorum shall be five.
The Committee shall have the power to set up sub-committees which shall have the power to co-opt to their membership. These co-opted members shall have the right to vote in the sub-committees.
The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of all sub-committees. The Committee shall appoint an Honorary Auditor.
Election of Committee
The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
Committee members shall be elected for a term of three years and shall retire in rotation. Five shall retire after the first year, five after the second year, and four after the third year; the sequence repeating thereafter. A draw shall be made to determine which members retire in each of the first three years. Retiring Committee members shall be eligible for re-election.
Annual General Meeting
The Committee shall call an Annual General Meeting of the Association, not later than 18 December each year.
Nominations for the committee shall be made only at the AGM.
Candidates may be nominated by themselves or others. Seconders are not required.
Candidates for the Committee need not be present at the AGM.
Candidates for the Committee who are present shall be introduced to the meeting.
Only paid-up members present at the meeting shall be entitled to vote.
Postal votes and voting by proxy shall not be accepted.
Each individual member shall be entitled to one vote and each member family or corporate organisation shall be entitled to two votes, provided that two members of such family or organisation are present at the meeting. The chairman shall have a casting vote.
The counting of votes in the election for the Committee shall not be done by any of the candidates.
Verified accounts for the previous financial year to 31 October shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.
Special General Meeting
A Special General Meeting of the Association may be called at any time on a written request signed by at least twenty members of the Association, containing details of the matter to be discussed, and delivered to the Secretary.
At least 28 days' notice must be given between the delivery of the request to the Secretary and the date of the meeting.
Members shall be informed of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting at least 14 days in advance.
All monies received on behalf of the Association shall be kept in safe custody by the Treasurer.
Cheques drawn on the Association's accounts shall be signed by at least one of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, for amounts up to £100; otherwise by any two of those officers.
Amendments to the constitution
Amendments to the constitution shall only be made at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting. Notice of the proposed amendments shall be given in writing to the Secretary at least 28 days before the meeting.
The text of proposed amendments shall be available to all members at least 14 days in advance of the meeting.
No such amendment shall be carried unless at least two thirds of the members present vote in favour.
Dissolution of the Association
In the event of the dissolution of the Association, all surplus funds shall be transferred to such charity or charities as the committee in its absolute discretion decides.
The name of the Association shall be the "Carnoustie Twinning Association".Aims of the Association
To promote and foster friendship and understanding between the people of Camoustie and towns in other countries.
To encourage visits by individuals and groups to and from linked towns, particularly by children and young people, and the development of personal contacts, and by so doing to broaden the mutual understanding of the cultural, recreational, educational, and commercial activities of the linked towns.
Membership shall be open to all persons or organisations in sympathy with the aims of the Association.
There shall be three categories of membership:
- Individual membership
- Family membership, which shall be open to all members of a family who live at the same address.
- Corporate membership, which entitles not more than two members of the organisation to the rights conferred on individual or family members of the Association. Corporate membership does not of itself entitle members or employees of the organisation which is a member of the Association to the rights of individual or family membership.
The affairs of The Association shall be conducted by the Committee of which up to 14 members are to be elected at the Annual General Meeting, these 14 being broadly representative of organisations, associations, clubs, and individuals in Camoustie and district.
Office bearers shall retire annually at the Annual General Meeting and be eligible for re-election.
The Annual General Meeting shall appoint a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and such other officers as seem necessary.
No office bearer shall be removed from office except by resolution of a Special General Meeting.
Should an office bearer resign during the CT A year, the Committee shall have the power to appoint a replacement from the elected committee.
If an office bearer is removed from office by a Special General Meeting, then only a Special General Meeting shall have the power to appoint a replacement.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt provided that the total number of committee members does not exceed 16. Coopted members shall have the power to vote.
The term of office of members co-opted to the Committee shall be the remainder of the year.
Vacancies in the Committee which arise during a year shall be filled at the following AGM. Committee members so elected shall be entitled to serve for the remainder of the time that would have been served by the original member.
The quorum shall be five.
The Committee shall have the power to set up sub-committees which shall have the power to co-opt to their membership. These co-opted members shall have the right to vote in the sub-committees.
The Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be ex-officio members of all sub-committees. The Committee shall appoint an Honorary Auditor.
Election of Committee
The Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
Committee members shall be elected for a term of three years and shall retire in rotation. Five shall retire after the first year, five after the second year, and four after the third year; the sequence repeating thereafter. A draw shall be made to determine which members retire in each of the first three years. Retiring Committee members shall be eligible for re-election.
Annual General Meeting
The Committee shall call an Annual General Meeting of the Association, not later than 18 December each year.
Nominations for the committee shall be made only at the AGM.
Candidates may be nominated by themselves or others. Seconders are not required.
Candidates for the Committee need not be present at the AGM.
Candidates for the Committee who are present shall be introduced to the meeting.
Only paid-up members present at the meeting shall be entitled to vote.
Postal votes and voting by proxy shall not be accepted.
Each individual member shall be entitled to one vote and each member family or corporate organisation shall be entitled to two votes, provided that two members of such family or organisation are present at the meeting. The chairman shall have a casting vote.
The counting of votes in the election for the Committee shall not be done by any of the candidates.
Verified accounts for the previous financial year to 31 October shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.
Special General Meeting
A Special General Meeting of the Association may be called at any time on a written request signed by at least twenty members of the Association, containing details of the matter to be discussed, and delivered to the Secretary.
At least 28 days' notice must be given between the delivery of the request to the Secretary and the date of the meeting.
Members shall be informed of the time, place, and purpose of the meeting at least 14 days in advance.
All monies received on behalf of the Association shall be kept in safe custody by the Treasurer.
Cheques drawn on the Association's accounts shall be signed by at least one of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, for amounts up to £100; otherwise by any two of those officers.
Amendments to the constitution
Amendments to the constitution shall only be made at an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting. Notice of the proposed amendments shall be given in writing to the Secretary at least 28 days before the meeting.
The text of proposed amendments shall be available to all members at least 14 days in advance of the meeting.
No such amendment shall be carried unless at least two thirds of the members present vote in favour.
Dissolution of the Association
In the event of the dissolution of the Association, all surplus funds shall be transferred to such charity or charities as the committee in its absolute discretion decides.
The Constitution was last amended at the Annual General Meeting in November 2012.